Vivian Gong Frey, Chief Strategy & Marketing Officer bei Huawei Schweiz AG, brennt für IT
… weil sie vor 37 Jahren in einem Berufswahlkurs jemanden kennenlerne, der im Bereich Satelliten-Kommunikation promoviert hatte und danach im China Space Center arbeitete. Sie weiss daher aus eigener Erfahrung, wie wichtig gute Vorbilder sind!

Vivian Gong Frey is working as Chief Marketing Officer for Huawei Schweiz AG. In this role, she is responsible for the corporate marketing strategy in Switzerland, for the communication on key technical topics to the Swiss ICT community, as well as the implementation of Huawei's brand promotion campaigns. Since she has answered our questions in English, we portray her in her own words:
«During my last year in Gymi 37 years ago, my school invited some alumni to share their professional experiences and to help us figure out our own directions. One of the alumni had graduated from college with satellite communication as his major and worked in China Space Center. I was fascinated by him and that was the starting point of my interest in ICT. I think I was lucky enough to get enough information to decide my professional direction. What helped me to decide a profession was some limited information provided by my school and a book that I had read. The book "the 3rd wave" by Alvin Toffler, in which he writes about the information age, influenced me a lot and helped me decide on my major: Information technology. In my opinion, to decide on a professional direction, you need to understand two things:
- What is the grand trend of the future society, so that you can more or less imagine which kind of role you could play, and
- What are your own interests and capabilities, so that you can decide which part you would like to play in that society.
We are entering a digital era.
Our future society has diverse and in-depth demands for digitalization and intelligence. People will be empowered with a sixth sense, live with bots, manufacturing will step to intelligence, and our families will be created with heart and built with mind. Bringing digital to every person, home and organization for a fully connected, intelligent world is Huawei's vision and my passion.»

As a female IT professional, I worked in China, Canada and UK for quite some years, and I had never been aware of the gender gap in my job until I came to Switzerland 20 years ago. At first, I felt very lonely as a female IT engineer.
«At the time, I had to try very hard to be accepted by my colleagues and customers, and luckily, they recognized me at the end. I hope more girls can come to this branch, work together and empower each other. In the IT world, there is no limitation for females. We are just as capable as men are, and we can achieve just as much as they can, if not more!»